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Successful Girl



Girl Magic is dedicated to empowering our youth to strive to their highest level of abilities.  

Through group and 1 on 1 mentoring sessions, they are taught to develop the life skills needed to maintain healthy relationships, improve social and financial behaviors, refine interpersonal skills, and overall become self-sufficient and productive in society.



Statistics indicate that youth who regularly meet with mentors are 52% less likely to skip school and 46% less likely to use illegal drugs(Mentor,2020).  The National & Community Services (2002) reported that mentors have increased mentee's confidence level by 95% and the impact has continued throughout adulthood to positively impact their quality of life.

Education Support

With the rise of unemployment rates, it is exceedingly difficult for parents to keep up with the family's financial needs. Statistics have shown that school meals may be the only meals some children have. The lack of nutrients affect brain functioning and cognitive development. And with many kids learning virtually, there are educational strains as well.  This program bridges the gap to assist parents with their students' educational needs.

Workforce Readiness
With the rise in the unemployment rate, many people are seeking employment to provide for self and their families.  This program is designed to prepare our youth with the essential tools to obtain employment and develop skills for their career path.

Managing Finances

It is estimated that 3.5 billion adults, globally, lack an understanding of basic financial concepts.  And during the pandemic, we have seen more families being affected by financial hardship.  We understand that financial stresses are a collective problem, therefore, education is a key factor in improving financial stability.


Created to cultivate relationships and provide the opportunity for philanthropy.  Our goal is to teach empathy, selflessness, and gratitude. 

Field Trips/Fun Activities

Having fun has a way of giving hope of better things to come through exposure to new ways of living.  Gives youth the opportunity to expand their scope of life to see beyond their circumstances.  

© Girl Magic Incorporated 2021

    A 501c3 non-profit organization

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Find us:

Girl Magic Inc.

P.O.BOX 481456  Charlotte, NC 28269

To come......

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